Monday, May 17, 2010

Pictures pictures pictures :D
15. 05. 10 <3

14. 05. 10 ( 11:59pm ) My very special day.
15. 05. 10
Today i went to desa park city to celebrate my friends birthday..
We had steamboat, me, hubby, coco and vincent sat in another table.. After dinner we went to the park.. Coco was teasing us.. So naughty.. Then we walk back to look for the others, things went wrong.. lala started scolding and yelling.. She's mad that we're together.. I feel so sorry for her.. But my hubby tell me not to bother about her.. so i don't care.. haha..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i miss u diary!! i lost my baby phone :( and now i'm having a touch screen but i dont like it :( i miss my sony k660i :(( i'm sick .. very sick.. so dizzy.. i'm skipping school tmr.. but i'll miss my friends.. what to do.. my immune system so damn weak.. cannot sleep cannot eat.. so miserable.. go for reflexology? does it helps? haha.. random.. the weather is changing very often.. this morning the sun rise before 7. normally it rises around 7++ .. so weird la.. i was shocked by the rain last night. i woke up in the middle of the night staring outside the window.. the thunder seems to be so close to me.. but it was just imagination.. i'm movin' on already :)) i did it! isn't it awesome? i can't forget but atleast i can let go :)) whats for dinner tonight? no appetite at all.. just feel like puking.. bad day..

Monday, March 15, 2010

Janean. Juwita. Me :DD
15 03 2010
Today , Tao, Ann, Jack, Keat, Bryan, Long, En Chong and Pet Pet came to my house, we went swimming and lunch together. Super tired after it, but i had a great time with them . Life's great with friends. Makes me not to rely on a man. Hehe. I like it this way :D
13 02 2010
Juwita Suwito's Concert
It's the concert day!! Omg! I'm soooo excited to see the flow of it! I can't wait to see souls saved! Joey went to the concert with me :) I was one of the back up singer. I like the worship. It was awesome! HAHA. I didn't go for practice but i still can blend in with 'em :) So happy :DD Haha.. Me and Nean had fun singing together with Juwita Suwito. The band was GOOD! The bassist was awesome! Haha! Me and Nean took picture with the bassist, guitarist and Juwita Suwito xDD We had fun making new friends. Haha. Me and Nean enjoyed the concert real much. Today is the day i see him again. The scenary seems like nothing has change. I'm just comforting myself i know. Haha. I feel so stupid.. Ain't I?
Hmm.. This coming friday i'm going out with Janean :D Then i'm staying over her house, Saturday follow her to church :DD Yayh!! HAHA. I'm gonna start planning now :))