Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I just took off my rubber rings out from the teeths and have 2 metal rings on :) The process was kinda scary, i was scared that the dentist might injured my gums or something. Haha. Now i can't wait for the wire to be fix! xD I can have oat meal for breakfast ( healthy nya ), stew for lunch and ice cream for DINNER!! Haha! That's the best part. Next appointment is on 10 of March :D Another 7 days more . Haha. Despo for braces!! I neglected my friends in school today. I'm so sorry. I really don't wanna go recess with her.. I just realized that she's so snobbish. After 3 years of friendship , now u showing me the real u? U wanna make me fall into a cliff? I'm not so dumb.. I know i still have others to be there for me :) Coco made me macaroni today :D I super love her!! Appreciate it alot :D Thank You!! I'm starting to like my class now, it's fun xD But without ann, keat, bryan and coco sure boh fun wan.. Haha.. They're awesome :D Hearts 3Perkasa ;)

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