Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ytd night me, kok leong, josh, wendell and justin went giving out Juwita suwito's concert flyers at Centrepoint. It was my first time, but i was h appy with it, cos i manage to give out 12 flyers and most of them look interested in it ;) There's this two negro guys, they're so nice, i went to them and they thought i wanted to give them my number or something. And i tattoo'ed sports car driver, he was so friendly. I like xD!! The first guy i gave he also responded to the plyer ;) Damn nice. I'll be so damn happy if those who got the flyer from me attend the concert! HAHA!! I can't wait till that day! Joey is coming to the concert with me :D I hope she'll be save on that day ;DD I heard Juwita Suwito's songs in kok leong car last night. I like her voice! I'm gonna see her in real life! HAHA!! It's an awesome experience with them ;D

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