Thursday, March 4, 2010

OUCH!!! My teeth's are keeling me! I can't enjoy my food at all. Damn suckish. Can't the dentist just do it once and that's it! ?? !!! Now have to suffer dunno till when.. The whether is soooo damn hot! When is it gonna rain.. Urgh..
Ohhohh! Justin Bieber! He's hawt! Sexy! I like his style. So adorable!! Ahaha! I didn't really notice till i watch his video's today. But i'm not as despo for him as tong.. She's so desperate for him.. I was talking bout the past in school today.. I now only notice i was really stupid last time.. I really don't know who to believe, i'm so confuse. Is he a good person? Sigh.. But it doesn't have anything to do with me anymore.. Ann is coming to my house tomorrow. We're going to bake. He wanna bake for his ex, he wanna show her that he can do anything for her, so sweet doh! I did once for someone, with my bare hands. I really wish he really did appreciate it. Bryan, All the best for ur competition today ;)

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